Un quarto di miliardo di euro per investimenti a favore di ambiente, natura e clima

La Commissione europea ha approvato un pacchetto di investimenti di 243 milioni di EUR del bilancio UE in progetti del programma LIFE che, nella transizione dell’Europa a un futuro più sostenibile e a basse emissioni di carbonio, proteggono la natura, l’ambiente e la qualità della vita.

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Area bank lending survey

The October 2018 bank lending survey – third quarter of 2018 has been published. The euro area bank lending survey (BLS) provides information on bank lending conditions in the euro area. It supplements existing statistics with information on the supply of and demand for loans to enterprises and households. The BLS provides input to the assessment of monetary and economic developments carried out by the ECB Governing Council in the process of making its monetary policy decisions.

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Finanțare nerambursabilă în sectorul TIC

Ministerul Fondurilor Europene – Autoritatea de Management pentru Programul Operațional Competitivitate, împreună cu Ministerul Comunicațiilor și Societății Informaționale – Organismul Intermediar pentru Promovarea Societății Informaționale anunță lansarea apelului de aferent Acțiunii 2.2.1 – Sprijinirea creșterii valorii adăugate generate de sectorul TIC și a inovării în domeniu prin dezvoltarea de clustere.

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2018 Consumer Markets Scoreboard

On 12th of October the European Commission published the 2018 Consumer Markets Scoreboard that monitors how EU consumers rate the performance of 40 goods and services sectors. The Consumer Scoreboards provide an overview of how the Single Market works for EU consumers. Published since 2008, they aim to ensure better monitoring of consumer outcomes and provide evidence to inform policy.

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Il fatturato dei servizi di mercato erogati

Secondo il comunicato stampa dell’Istituto nazionale di statistica del 12 ottobre 2018, nell’agosto 2018, il fatturato dei servizi di mercato forniti principalmente alle imprese è diminuito in termini nominali rispetto al mese precedente come serie lorda del 2,4% e aumentato come serie rettificata per numero di giorni lavorativi e stagionalità con 0,2%.

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EUR 450 million for Romania’s Rural Development Programme

The European Investment Bank (EIB) is lending EUR 450 million to Romania to finance its national contribution to the implementation of the Romanian Rural Development Programme (RDP) together with grants from the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development in the period 2014-2020. The loan was signed on the margins of the meeting of the EIB’s Board of Directors taking place in Bucharest on 17-18 September.

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