Today, less than 1% of objects are connected to the Internet, but there are likely to be almost 6 billion Internet of Things (IoT) connections within the EU in 2020. The IoT blurs the lines between products, services and industry sectors. It means new innovative services or applications; better products with built-in services or applications; more efficient processes; improved energy and resource efficiency; better understanding of customers’ needs; increased flexibility and more possibilities for sharing.
Tendenze dell’attività economiche
Secondo il comunicato stampa INS (Istituto nazionale di statistica) del 27 Aprile, le tendenze dell’attività economiche per il periodo aprile – giugno 2018 sono le seguenti: aumento delle attività di costruzione e vendita al dettaglio; moderato aumento del numero dei dipendenti nella costruzione, nel commercio al dettaglio e nei servizi; i prezzi aumentano nella costruzione e nella vendita al dettaglio.
Textiles and clothing industry
While the service sector provides the largest share, 73.4 percent, of the European Union’s GDP, the industrial sector continues to be an important piece of the EU’s economic activity. Within the industrial sector, the EU is a world leader in textile and clothing manufacturing.
Game changing technology
“Game changing technology” could change the face of European manufacturing
The rate of technological advancement has only increased in the 21st century, and with this advancement comes the possibility of new “game changing technology”. Game changing technology has the potential to disrupt not only the product level, but the entire production process. This next step in the manufacturing sector has been called “Industry 4.0”.
Cosa c’è da sapere?
VentureEU – 2,1 miliardi di € per stimolare gli investimenti in capitale di rischio nelle start-up innovative europee.
Closer to your own company
Entrepreneurship is a skill that can be learnt. You don’t have to be born an entrepreneur to run a successful business. You can become a good entrepreneur by developing an entrepreneurial mind set and skills.
UE – Prezzi dei terreni agricoli
L’agricoltura è un settore chiave per uno sviluppo economico sostenibile. 22 milioni di agricoltori e lavoratori agricoli sono il perno di uno dei più grandi settori economici dell’Unione europea, il settore agroalimentare.
What you need to know about inclusive finance?
If you are at the beginning of the road, having decided to start your own company but still somehow stuck due to financial problems or different challenges, you need to remind yourself that it can happen to everyone at some point, and the stress and worry can get to you easily. Though, understanding how to overcome your financial problems doesn’t have to be stressful.
Continuă lectura „What you need to know about inclusive finance?”
Lo stato di assorbimento dei fondi europei
Come qualsiasi imprenditore, è necessario tenere aperte tutte le opzioni, sia che si tratta di nuovi investimenti che di nuove opportunità per ottenere dei finanziamenti ai fini di una crescita a lungo termine della tua impresa.
Continuă lectura „Lo stato di assorbimento dei fondi europei”
The decline of Self Employment
Entrepreneurship is an essential engine of economic growth. Out of approximately 7 billion people worldwide, 400 million are entrepreneurs. Are you ready to be one of them?